
Georgia Construction Career is proud to present The Georgia Building Trades Academy (GABTA) YouthBuild Program. YouthBuild is a hands-on construction pre-apprenticeship program designed to prepare young people from underserved or under-represented communities who are between the ages of 16-24, to enter and succeed in a Registered Construction Apprenticeship Program. Visit GABTA here.
Through the 9-month program, trainees will gain construction skills and training to develop a positive work ethic. Educational classes are included in the training increasing reading comprehension and math skills in order to successfully pass apprenticeship entry exams. Additionally, GED classes are also included for those who need to earn a diploma. The program is tuition-free for those who qualify.
YouthBuild operates by grants and corporate sponsorship by those organizations that truly want to make a difference in the Atlanta community. There are dozens of wonderful stories of our graduates changing their lives by building careers that will sustain them, adding value to the local economy, and learning accredited skills to provide opportunities to transform their economic situation for generations to come.